So, it's been a couple of weeks since my last post. As it has a tendency to, life got a bit crazy over the past few weeks. Between hectic schedules, car maintenance gone awry, and the close of the tax season; I've been a little drawn and quartered. But, I am still here and I am still chasing my dream; full publication of my book.
I know that I've not said much about it here, apart from it being finally complete and chronicling the process of getting it into the right hands. In part that is because I am still looking for those right hands and I do not wish to compromise my options in publication. However, I will share something that I have learned along the way: If you want an Agent to read the full manuscript of your book, you need a synopsis. I know, I know, the dreaded synopsis. But, I will tell you, I have queried over a dozen agents and not one to date has requested to read the full book. I get that the premise might not be for everyone and certainly an agent's tastes are largely subjective. But not one even asked to read the whole thing before turning it down? That tells me there is something lacking in my approach.